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Edited by Iyrha: 1/9/2016 3:53:25 AM

I don't see a reason why sniper aim assist shouldn't be lowered...

Remember the dark below era? Felwinters and found verdict were the meta, snipers were only an afterthought during those dark ages.....but why did we think they needed a nerf? BECAUSE THEY WERE EXTREMELY OVERUSED! The thing that was wrong with them was range, and in this era, the thing wrong with snipers is the massive aim assist. I use the old Ldr 5001 whenever I can and it is not "inconsistent" at all. If I miss a shot it is either because of lag or just because I missed that shot, and I'm not afraid to admit that. I'm not calling for some huge nerf that will turn everyone off of snipers. If someone who has 4 hours in the Crucible logged can hit every single headshot and manage to outsnipe veterans of PvP, then you know something is not right. Sniping should take precise aim and a steady finger. Being able to swipe the scope across the entire screen and hit a headshot every time should require unparalleled amounts of skill and hours of dedication. That's all, have a great day! [spoiler]B8[/spoiler]

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