You haven't answered my question... do any of them come with legit penalties?
Yep a waste of an exotic slot Realy I was trying to make a point on how warlocks are screwed on their exotics
Yes. The Nothing Manticles you've gotta use those shit tier scatter grenades. And it's funny how hunters have tracking scatter grenades built in.
Not just that but the manacles were nerfed in 2.0 or 2.1
You've never actually used swarm grenade have you? Everybody knows not to walk into it, and the damage sucks.
That's why I called them shit tier, get your panties out of a bunch.
I wasn't talking about scatter grenade, but swarm grenade. Either you or me is really confused (possibly both)
Lol yea prob. Either way both of the grenades suck butt.
Pvp or pve? In which arena are you talking about scatter grenades? I have numerous times killed 3, 4, 5 people in pvp with 1 scatter grenade and a few shots on of the people. Void walker bloom + scatter grenade = profit