Ok try to get a fireteam of 2 titans 2 hunters 2 warlocks! I know its hard to find teams but it will hopefully get you the most chances of beating it.
There is a strategy my team use which is often known as the "1,2,3 strategy"
As you are aware in the Oryx Challenge there is 6 positions everyone must uphold...
The Runner (Warlock SS or Hunter NS)
The Floaters (2 Titans Def)
The Plate Holders (any class)
Step 1:
At the start of the fight have a hunter tether all the taken at the beginning of the fight by luring them together to make a big explosion of orbs
Step 2:
Have the assigned people get to position whilst Oryx is moving to the plate he selected...
1,2,3 on selected plates
2 Titans directly in the middle of map
Runner at 1st plate (oryx's current)
Step 3:
As Oryx slams have BOTH FLOATERS (titans) place a weapons and blessing of light right on top of each other to ensure maximum DPS and Protection from everything.
Have runner jump on 1st plate to reach platforms followed by the sequence of plates by associated players,
Have both titans burn the ogres with the Touch of malice whilst the others on the selected plates help deal with there own ogre! 3 people with malice deals with them in under a second! (Or should do)
Once an ogre is down a knight will spawn in the opposite corner and will run for your orb this is easy (2 shots with a sniper or a few clips from your LMG) and yes there is 4 knights corresponding to each ogre
Step 4:
As runner claims the bond at the last platform and you have dealt with your knight run to the middle where the bubbles are and help with others ogres etc... the bubbles are your protection.
Stay on the plate if you havent killed your knight it is essential for the challenge!
The runner take the knights sheild of immunity from The Vessel and takes him out with the exotic sword in a few swipes (void or fire is best) the legendary swords will do if it dont drop your level too much
People in the middle should be able to bring down the fourth knight and hide in the bubbles until the immunity shield has arrived...
Step 5:
Once everyone is in the middle, compose and stagger Oryx with your malices 4 people can easily achieve this if your slow on the fourth knight...
Step 6:
Dont run for orbs until there is 16 to blow so take out all adds and edge towards the front of the map (saturn side) have two people deal with behind you and 4 in front to ensure no thrall get in when you are dealing with shade...
Step 7:
Kill shade, if outside of the shade room remember to clear adds and knights so they wont enter and kill you... if you enter upon the shade slamming the sword jump all the time away from it also upon killing it too incase a thrall decides to hit you to death
Step 8:
Repeat all steps above until round 4...
Step 9:
Once you have staggered oryx have the runner as soon as you stagger him ciunt down 3,2,1 Go before all people run towards the blight bombs... remember have one of the floaters run towards the empty plate on the last phase to ensure all 16 are detonated!
Step 10:
Move back to the front (Saturn Side) and send him flying into its orbit with that one last satisfying stagger!
Please dont be a grammarphobe this is just a guide of some help to the OP
Also I hope this helps
Thanks man I almost beat it yesterday with a strat similar to this
Bump for being helpful
Yeo this
Edited by t_blades: 1/6/2016 7:31:51 AMI run my hunter Golden Gun when runner, that was i one shot the vessel. also leave behind a tripmine grenade for 1st oger. Also Rocket launchers work very well for knights, kill your knight and everything that spawns with him.
He trolled you. He has 121 completions with 319 characters.
Fair, but this will probably help someone else who is struggling with it
Good for you bro! Glad to see there are good people for all the trolls on here.