[i]Its JT, a video recorder in his hand[/i] "Six, this is pretty bad. Caught Ember and Jess together last night. Jess didn't know about you, it's not on her. But ember..."
She looks at the recorder then plugs it into the computer The video loads "I know your in on the joke, this is probably just a video of you guys going "fooled you"" She waits
[i]Jess+Ember+a bed+... Well, you get it[/i] "Caught the fūcker last night" [i]he sorrily says [/i]
She puts her hand over her mouth and tears start running down her cheeks "How could he, i loved him, i trusted him!" Her hair eyes and clothing begin turning red
[i]He stands, slowly backing towards the door[/i] "Should I leave and give you some time, or...?"
She looks at him with pure malice in her eyes "No I don't need time" She shoots bast him in a blaze of flame toward where ember was last seen
[i]He jumps back, realizing he does NOT want to be ember at the moment[/i]