Title says it all. Sign your name below. As PlayStation players, we are being screwed on the last where there is the biggest buff. I fronded to get to rank 4 but now I can't get that rank 5 package. Extend iron banner. It would be fair. Btw, if you're on Xbox, please don't start a console war. Sign your name below.
Edit: we're trending!
Here's how this played out for me - I'm sure others have similar stories. I'm in the UK. I got to rank 5 early on all characters but why buy all the gear when "in game drops will be your main source of gear in the Iron Banner", right? So I grinded for gear, gradually realising that the drop rate has been nerfed into the ground. Ok, I thought - I'll just buy the two PS helms I don't have on Monday. Get home yesterday and PSN is down - fine, not Bungie's fault. Still down at 11pm so I head off to bed thinking I'll try again in the morning, Bungie have said IB will close at 9am UK time. WHILE I'M ASLEEP I'm supposed to check Bungie's twitter feed and forums for the news that Cosmo has screwed up HIS ONLY FKING JOB - player communication - and that it'll close 1hr before this. So, I get up and the doors are closed. I wasted hours playing this BS event for what amounted to a very small amount of infusion fuel and a couple of pieces of armor (<300 defence too).