[b]he laughs a bit. The gun was loaded with blanks[/b]
[b]Good one.[/b]
"Learned from mah dad"
"Yup. Nice ship"
[b]Oh thanks, I built it myself. The tech's a little old though[/b]
"It's Better than anything I could ever own, and I'm far from able to build. Space faring ship, so it's top of the line in my mind"
[b]Thanks, you know if you want I could try to build you your own, it might not be as big as this but it would be good enough to go a little outside the Avalon. Just not over, Let's say 150 yards outside the Avalon max.[/b]
"Nah, it's cool. I can't pay you for one, and I'll just stowaway to wherever I need to go"
[b]Alright then. I'll see you later[/b] [i]he walks away[/i]
[b]he steals a sandwich from a nearby table and runs[/b] [spoiler]end[/spoiler]