Hawkmoon has been the gun I always sought after in Year 1 after getting Gjallerhorn, and it finally dropped for me during the summer at the flawless chest. When I used it for the first time I can't lie I was doing badly. I started to learn the ways of the hawk awesome and it was simply a beautiful smooth gun. Now it feels like a clunky imitation of the gun it used to be. Literally no one uses this gun, and I don't either.
It feels like you are being punished for using this precise weapon, every time I get a lucky shot to proc I still don't get the two shot kill, but it almost kills them...... ARE YOU KIDDING ME BUNGIE?????? Why would you nerf the range, and then nerf the flipping lucky shot damage modifier??? On top on that with aim assist is linked to the range, and because of the 20 percent nerf to range shots are inconsistent. Lastly, what the flip did you do to the reserve ammo???? I used to like 80-90 shots, now it's 60 and you run out way too fast in PvE.
I loved the hawk awesome and still do. but this weapon has become so clunky and unusable. Once a sought-after weapon in the game turns out to be a weapon to be in a vault. Maybe I am talking out of love for the hawkmoon, you let me know that by voting.
Please bump if you agree, and miss the Hawk awesome. Xbow users sorry you get the rip-off weapon of the hawkmoon.
Signed. Also just blew up the signing pen. Also ripped up the crap Hawkmoon contract. Bring back Hawkmoon.