bungie if you do take the advice of everyone and nerf stormtrance please instead of landfall make it to where we blind people so that we can still do our jumping over enemies and instead of killing them simply blind them also if u remove the stormcallers "amplitude" how about you add in an effect where the enemies get shocked over a period of time which wont do additional damage just flash through the screen to disrupt vision. now if u do nerf the stuff any other way thats cool but atleast do something about "titan skating" which i believe is verry unfair on how titans can have (if using striker) max armor and move faster than a cheetah on cocaine. not to mention they can mix in the twilight garrison and move an extremely long distance in seconds. also a thing that you SHOULD be nerfing is viking funeral hmmm what's that? its a perk? so is everything else everyone is complaining about except titan skating. my regards - me :3
Shut up all we need is a sunbreaker buff
Edited by GambIe: 1/3/2016 7:16:09 AMIt's Nerf, or nothing! [spoiler]~every kid on these forums[/spoiler]
Titan skating I don't think is really a problem. They can move fast in a straight line. Allow me to reiterate. A straight line. I main a Titan and the easiest class for me to kill is that of my own kind, especially when they're skating.