I'm not here to complain or anything like that. This is simply an idea to make trials matches go faster.
I'm sure quite a few people have had the problem with campers and having team members leave because they have to get off asap. So how about this to speed things up;Add an oculus (similar to the one the warpriest has) that eliminates all life from the round you were currently in. Self res would not be used during this time. This makes people have to quickly eliminate the opposing team before time runs out. Something more to trials than just the same old camp until flag spawns routine. Again,this is just a unique idea I came up with. I am not hating on campers and I'm not supporting rushers.
Already seen a flaw, if a team is up 3v1, all that 1 guy has to do is run around until the oculus wipes everyone. A better idea would be to place a burn on someone like in PoE, but only when they've been standing in a specific place for too long.
Camping is a legitimate strategy, just take map control and shoot them when they come out.
What flag?
Who camps until the flag spawns? And even if they do, it's a completely legitimate strategy. It's on you and your team to do something about it; it's dumb to have some auto kill thing cause you have problems getting in. If you suck at sniping, practice. If it's not your thing, then find another way to adapt.