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1/1/2016 12:13:34 PM

What the shotguns in PvP need!

So this is just my opinion and I want to know what you, the community think if Bungie would change it like this? shotguns need a longer pump animation to balance it a lil better: So give the firerate a extra function like the range on fusion rifle (traveltime of the beams) higher impact > longer animation + lower the mag to 2 or 3 and increase the reserve ammo + reduce the range a lil bit by 2% lower impact > faster animation + range buff by 3% and increase the Damage against AI by 10-15% because of the slower dps because of the animation. This is a netbuff/netnerf to make other shotguns more visible in the crucible (I only see The vanguard shotgun or Partychasher +1) and give the fusion users a better chance to hit them -Damo

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