[b]He still searches for him, looking everywhere[/b]
[b]Three guards run into him, shooting their blasters.[/b]
[b]He fires at them[/b]
[b]They all fall back, unconscious."[/b]
[b]He continues searching [/b]
[b]A voice pops into his head, familiar.[/b] [i]JT?[/i]
"Yes?" [b]he asked out loud, as his brain wasn't in his body, but rather in a jar [/b]
[i]You won't find me anywhere, they know your here, they're looking for you, and they will kill you.[/i]
"I only have 2 weaknesses, and they won't kill me on impact"
[i]JT, go back now, he's pulling a gun on my head, threatening you.[/i]
"Hunter, commence operation hailstorm" Hunter (comms): "[i]aye[/i]" [b]Hunter opens a portal in the end of the guns barrel, and the entire ships light system goes dark[/b]
[i]You should've listened JT...a loud bang can be heard, as well as someone hitting a wall hard.[/i] [spoiler]They decided to shoot em in the side[/spoiler]
[b]The bullet doesn't make contact, as it goes through the portal at the end of the barrel, into the void, and JT tracks the room from the noise[/b]