Dragon's Breath was changed a lot in 2.1, and for the most part these changes were good. The new exotic perk is awesome and the other perks are good as well. However, there is a problem with one change- the change to the base stats. It was changed to the smoulder archetype of rocket launcher, high RoF, low blast radius and velocity. This is not a popular archetype of launcher, but that's not the problem.
The problem is that the high rate of fire, the one advantage that dragon's breath has over other launchers stat-wise, never comes into play. It only has 1 rocket in the mag, so the rate of fire is always interrupted by reload! If you compare it to a blue launcher with high blast radius and velocity, the same reload speed, and 1 in the mag as well, the blue would have pretty much the same rate of rockets per minute, but with more velocity and blast radius. The high RoF may allow you to fire slightly quicker off reload, but that difference is negligible.
So please, Bungie, revert dragon's breath to the super high blast radius archetype it had before, like the hothead launcher has now. It would work well with napalm as well, so it will utterly annihilate one area, but would still have slow velocity so you have time to release the napalm mid flight.
Edit: Also a reload speed buff would be a good idea to compensate for the loss of mag size.
Bump. Either buff mag size, or comepletely lower RoF, and make up for it in Blast Radius and Velocity.