To whoever designed these new TTK maps, I hope terrible things happen to the people you care about.
I mean that in a completely serious context.
Year 1 maps shit all over the TTK maps and cathedral is the worse map I've played in a PvP game.
That's over the top but I hate the maps
I like the new ones a lot, but they should at least put the [i]old[/i] old ones back into the rotation. And you know what else I want? Turret beacons you can place in god-awful places as noob traps. You know if they put a weapon that powerful in a good place everyone would get mad, so they should put turrets on the new maps, like one right where the heavy ammo is on that one map with the teleporters and grav lifts. Perfect terrible place while also possibly doing some good.
I fell ya, i miss the old rotation.