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12/31/2015 6:07:48 AM

A list of grievances to Lord Salad-Bar and his masters: Bungie's PvP makers (AKA: BLAM YOUR BOOM-BANG IRON BANNER!)

[b][i]BLAM[/i] YOUR [i]BLAM[/i]-ING STUPID-[i]BANG[/i] IRON BANNER PIECE OF [i]BOOM[/i], [i]BLAM[/i]-TARDS![/b] 1) I find myself getting [i]BLAM[/i]-ed in the [b]BANG[/b] by a select few [i]BLAM[/i]-ing weapons that have little or no [i]BLAM[/i]-ing variety what-so-[i]BLAM[/i]-ing-ever. It's always a [i]BLAM[/i]-ing Mida, a piece of [u]BOOM[/u] Last Word, or any [i]BLAM[/i]-ing shotgun you could think a level 40 could run with. 2) What is it with all the [i]BLAM[/i]-ing six-man [i]BLAM[/i]-tard fireteams that seem to have nothing better to do in their [i]BLAM[/i]-ing lives than just sit on their [b]BANGS[/b] and just wreck every solo player who is just trying to earn a little bit of reputation. NEWSFLASH: You're not Seal Team 6, you [i]BLAM[/i]-tards 3) While we're on the topic of solo players...WHO THE [i]BLAM[/i] SAID WE WERE PLAYING [i]BLAMMING[/i] CLASH AND NOT CONTROL!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I've seen some [i]BLAM[/i]-tards run right by open control zones in the hopes of improving your wimpy KD. [i]BLAM[/i] your KD. Control a zone first, then [i]BLAM[/i] any [i]BLAM[/i]-tard who gets in you're way. [i]*deep sigh[/i] You know, Bungie, I love Destiny. Players are mostly friendly. I have solid group of friends that help me with raids and nightfalls. I even met a lot of them through Destiny. I love the lore and story in it. (Yes, I'm one of the few who actually read the Grimoire.) You made a good game overall. I defend it a lot from some of my friends who are super-critical of it, even though I may well swing over to their side if this keeps up. I was even with you through the whole Ass-hat ordeal. You said awhile back that you noticed that only a select few guns were being used, so you tried to do something about it. Well it seems to me that you only switched a few stats on a few guns rather than do a massive overhaul on everything and actually test it first then open it up to the players. You claim to be on our side. I think that you should come to our side and experience what our side deals with, then try to help. You might be surprised at what you might find. Why did I open with my earlier words? I've been only playing the Iron Banner since it opened yesterday. Out of roughly 25 completed games...I've only won once. How sad is that? We play video games to have fun, and all this^ is not fun. Sincerely, A hugely disappointed player.

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