Tell your rubbish jokes here where you probably won't get laughed at or called retarded ;-)
I ate 4 cans of Alphabet Soup today. Im expecting an epic vowel movement.
What do you get when you cross a Giraffe with a Hedgehog? [spoiler]A giant Toothbrush...[/spoiler]
What's large grey and doesn't matter? [spoiler]an irrelephant [/spoiler]
What do you give a sick bird? [spoiler]tweetment[/spoiler]
[spoiler]knock knock[/spoiler] Who's there [spoiler]daisy[/spoiler] Daisy who? [spoiler]Daisy me Rollin', they hatin[/spoiler]
Why does snoop dog carry an umbrella [spoiler]fo drizzle[/spoiler]
please bump for later?
What do sprinters eat before a race? [spoiler]nothing. They fast[/spoiler]
Who is the king of the classroom? [spoiler]the ruler[/spoiler]
How did Darth Vader know what luke got him for Christmas [spoiler]he felt his presents[/spoiler]
What is a wok? [spoiler]a wok is sumting you twow at wabbits [/spoiler]
What happens when you trust someone in #Offtopic? [spoiler]Han Solo was killed by his son Kylo Ren[/spoiler]
Why did Adele cross the road?? [spoiler]to say hello from the other side[/spoiler]
What did the fish say when it swam into the wall? [spoiler]Dam.[/spoiler]
What's H2O4 [spoiler]Drinking[/spoiler]
What did Gandhi say after he was shot? [spoiler]Ow.[/spoiler]
Are you Irish cos my penis be dublin
What's brown and sticky? [spoiler]a stick[/spoiler]
What's the hardest part about eating a vegetable? [spoiler]seperating them from the wheel chair[/spoiler]