Just got forced out of an iron banner game. 2 people on our team got forced out, then my friend and I got forced out. No way to tell who the culprit is, so I reported everyone on thier team, please look into thier gamer tags on xbox 360.
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Also experiencing a lot of issues with laggers. You said before that you may temporarily prohibit people with bad connections from crucible. Was that an empty promise? How about providing week long cruciblebans on anyone consistently reported for bad connection. The rest of us are suffering, and laggers are winning and getting rewarded for bad form.
Please remove the gamer tags as this is considered naming and shaming and is against the code of conduct for the forums Your action of reporting them is the best thing you could have done If you look on the Bungie.net help articles there is a link to a form for reporting cheaters If you use this form be very sure that cheating was in fact being used as false accusations can result in actions taken against your account