originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"Yeah. But there's always something that's gonna screw it up."
"Oh well. There's always tomorrow. For most people, at least."
"Yep. Thanks, Oryx."
Erik shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah...Oryx..."
Yor looked at Ward. "Nervous?"
"Nah, I'm fine. Perfectly fine."
" Well I'd hate to ruin this moment, but.... Eh screw it I really don't have a good explanation." Aries appeared.
"Such a cockblock..."
" Ok I'm going to state this once. I really have no interest for your love affairs, but when I'm stuck in your head, I can see everything you see. And quite frankly, I'm disgusted, so cut it out!"
"I think he's talking about when you asked me to sit on your lap."
"I can't joke around?"
"I dunno. Can you?"
"I can. Can you take it?"
"There you go. I can dish it out, you can take it. Anyway, don't we have better things to do?"
"Well, let's get to it."
"Wait, what're [i]you[/i] talking about?"
"I thought you had something in mind."
"I was gonna grab a drink from my ship."
"That's cool."