"Holy shit, last thing I seen that was THAT expensive, it blew up a galaxy"
"This has blown up three."
"God damn"
"Yeah... War sucks."
"To some. Personally, I'm motherfūcking insane, and love that shit"
"Have you taken 80 quadrillion lives?"
"Nah, only 161,000, enjoyed every single kill though"
"I'm a fûcking monster at this point. It's not fun."
"Hey man, if I had your kill count..." [b]A man in blue Spartan-IV armor, EVA variant, approaches[/b] ???: "I apologize for him, he's batshit insane"
"So I was told. Anyways, do either of you know who you are speaking to?"
Hunter: "not in the slightest"
"I am Andrew Raidriar, leader of the universe's third best army. I also donate money to the FN."
JT: "okay then" [b]he says, both with blank faces as if they don't give a rats ass[/b]
"I also run the DM."
Hunter: "the what?"
"The a Divine Mechanists. How long have you guys been in this system and haven't heard of the DM?"
Hunter: "I was in hell for quite a while, as well as my own pocket dimension and another one" JT: "I was in New York"
"But how long have you been on the Avalon?"
JT: "2 days before the CRAP" Hunter: "I came midway through the CRAP!"
"That's an excuse then." [b]Varn walks into the bay looking down at something.[/b] "I finished it- Oh hey guys!"
Hunter: "sup Varn" JT: "Varn"
"I can see you've met Raidriar."
JT: "yeah" Hunter: "you two know each other?"
"I've known Raidriar for years!"
Hunter: "hoe long ago did you become capable of interdimensional travel, Varn?"
"When I was made, so... Around 20 million years ago."