Said the bottom 10% of modern society.
Grammar is the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.
it still blows my mind people cant distinguish the proper uses for 'to' 'too' and 'two'... even worse is 'there' 'their' and 'they're'... its like a whole generation was asleep from 3rd to 5th grade... and this is coming from someone who was terrible in writing/reading/comp lit all the way from grade school to college. i was more the science and math kid.
I think this shows how Google is broken with search results more than grammar.
Git gid skrub
Grammar wars
My anxiety acts up really bad and I actually get a little mad, as well as very irritated, when I see people using the wrong grammar. Especially when the errors are as simple as the spelling of two, to, and too, or there, their, and they're. Darwinism will prevail my fellow grammatically correct guardians.
Funny how grammer in time changes in the pased so many time english is a mix
Why is building called a “building” when it's already built
Language isn't set in stone, its made up just so we can communicate with eachother, as long as the point is made across from one individual to another thats all the matters
Apparently grammar doesn't work on the internet, so people neglect it because reasons.
First world problems....
Others don't bother me at all. I'm bothered by mine enough to take care of it, taking a class next semester.
It doesn't on the internet. It's just a cheap dig, to dullen points, when a logical counter point can't be made. That, and it's for kids to attempt to "look cool" in front of their community of choice. I remember this same type of behavior was displayed every day in high school, with people constantly making fun of people. Grammar, spelling, etc. doesn't really matter on the internet, as long as people can figure out what you're trying to say. And nornally when they're acting like they can't, it's an issue with the said person's critical thinking skill.
...But that doesn't explain why you bake cookies and cook bacon...
You must be new to the internet. Welcome!!!!!
huw duz juan get leyd
You do know the predictive search is based on search history right?
And what does this have to do with Destiny?
Eye no wright.
How can you mend a broken heart?
Trust me it dunt matta u can stil get ur point acros it not my fualt if ppl cnt read?
where is the reddit pitch fork guy?!
Grammar matters on the Internet? Nah, that's just a plan B for failed insults.
Grammar only matters when you come across one of those Destiny nerds that have nothing else to talk about so they feel like speaking their arrogant mind.