Everyone here should most definitely take a second and accept that the classes either needed a nerd, or still need one. Sunbreakers cross mapped random players they couldn't even see, made seventh column medals look easy, and tanked sniper shots like it was a joke.
Storm trance (assuming you use landfall) blinds enemies on activation, and then proceeds to wreck havoc amongst every single enemy in a room with AOE damage and chain lightning that drains health from every single enemy within a room, proceeds to ionic blink straight out of there clutching their newly found breaker medal, and still have enough super energy rake in another 5 kills.
As a hunter main, who does use other classes, I know it sucks to see your favorite subclass get nerfed, but I can't remember the last time I complained about a shadowshot. I see forum posts about this every day, and it's time to face facts. Bungie has concrete numbers, and while new subclasses may not deserve such a big hit, they are necessary.
Funny thing about numbers... cause when Hammer of Sol got nerfed [spoiler]it had less total net kill than shadow shot[/spoiler]
Where is that number? That's probably due to a fact that destiny is just flooded with hunter mains
Eh your right the stuff I had all updated so it should sunbreaker WAY behind atm... Go to mayhem though... lots o warlocks
Eh your right the stuff I had all updated so it should sunbreaker WAY behind atm... Go to mayhem though... lots o warlocks