The war on drugs is a -blam!-ing joke and should have never been a thing the government spreads fake propaganda about harmless drugs but proceeds to make billions off of tobacco and alchohol
I can somewhat agree with you. As long as the comparison is of "apples to apples". Weed vs. alcohol? Yup Heroin/crack/meth vs alcohol? Nope I don't drink, smoke cigs, smoke weed. I will say that weed should be legal though. I also deal with quite a few narcotics officers (due to my line of work) that will say the exact same thing.
lol! Don't knock it. The war on drugs has heavenly filled the pockets of unscrupulous cops and law enforcement vendors across the nation...and put a lot of quality food on the tables of their families. Never mind that it has done more damage than help, and has virtually zero positive effect on the drug problem in this country. The bottom line is that it's really good scam if you can score low enough to be a cop and get in on it.
Tobacco has killed more of my family than any
Harmless drugs???? Do you even go to school or read anything bout any drug??
LSD-harmless psylociben mushrooms-harmless pot-harmless MDMA-harmless
MDMA isn't harmless. Lol.
lol...LSD harmless? ok...and from one who knows!
Edited by RandyDaGod: 12/28/2015 11:51:22 PMMDMA isn't "harmless".. It's fairly safe but it's cut with heroine sometimes
"legit" and "milk" have now been added to the list of possible threats. you are now on radar.