The war on violence and drugs from law enforcement needs to be expanded onto video games. I see A LOT of gamer tags such as:
(Examples/not real gamer tags)
Silent Sniper
Assassin Killer
Terror Master
Incendiary Starter
Racist Ball Puncher
Eternal Murderer
These names are also proceeded/separated/followed by the letter 'X' numerous times and or 420 and Kush. Sometimes all. I am guessing the X's symbolize real life victims. So apparently we have a ton of murderous sniper killers who also smoke a lot of marijuana.
Law enforcement needs to look into this and we (destiny community) need to report these potential threats as well.
Also one more thing I find really odd. A lot, if not most of these so called "sniper and murder experts" always end up with negative KDs in crucible.
Be careful everyone and keep your eyes open.
Feel free to name suspicious gamer tags here so bungie can handle and police them accordingly.
Edit 1: yolo, swag, beast and king have been brought to my attention and are now considered possible threats.
Best thread ever, 10/10
The war on drugs is a -blam!-ing joke and should have never been a thing the government spreads fake propaganda about harmless drugs but proceeds to make billions off of tobacco and alchohol
Makes me want to change my tag to xX420XballXsmashingXkushXsmokinXsniperXx Dafuq is wrong with being a murderous sniper killer anyway? I love killing murderous snipers! :P Now... gotta go smoke some more sticky and add more X's to my profile.
They're just names, calm down
Blah blah blAh
Edited by Dude_from_Krieg: 12/28/2015 9:30:10 PMYour are an IDIOT and... ...Go play in a very busy street!
Edited by Rikk L94: 12/28/2015 11:50:54 PMRikk L420
I like the smell of my own farts.
Dafuq is wrong with you man?!?!?!?!
Is KILLOFCOMMAMD77 OK? I feel sp00ked
I needed a good laugh today, thanks
Thank you for the laugh
This could have been funny if it was actually funny, but it wasn't funny so it couldn't have been funny if it was actually funny.
so is 'racist ball puncher' actually in use as a GT? because that is kinda amazing and would make me lol every time i saw it in game
This is a message from the US Commonwealth Army: Only [u]you[/u] can impede the Communist threat! Names with "Red", "Iron", "Comrade", "Marx", or any direct Communist ties will be met with exact and swift action my the military. /END OF MESSAGE
if you see something, say something. also, [spoiler]lolololol[/spoiler]
Edited by Nashtalia: 12/28/2015 11:18:34 PMyou mean someone could do a yolo sweg no scope 360 irl . oh meh....gawsh. call the mi8.
Racist Ball Puncher? Please tell me there is somebody out there with that name.
Please be satire...please be satire
Why didn't I choose Racist Ball Puncher as my gamertag?!?!? Curses!
You're (A) an idiot or (B) forgot the #satire. So which is it?
pot smoking snipers? really, really?
Just to spite you, I now want to change my name to xX420blazeitconinja420blazeit360noscopedankkushuwotm9XxSniperKillerDankW33dXxXxx