The war on violence and drugs from law enforcement needs to be expanded onto video games. I see A LOT of gamer tags such as:
(Examples/not real gamer tags)
Silent Sniper
Assassin Killer
Terror Master
Incendiary Starter
Racist Ball Puncher
Eternal Murderer
These names are also proceeded/separated/followed by the letter 'X' numerous times and or 420 and Kush. Sometimes all. I am guessing the X's symbolize real life victims. So apparently we have a ton of murderous sniper killers who also smoke a lot of marijuana.
Law enforcement needs to look into this and we (destiny community) need to report these potential threats as well.
Also one more thing I find really odd. A lot, if not most of these so called "sniper and murder experts" always end up with negative KDs in crucible.
Be careful everyone and keep your eyes open.
Feel free to name suspicious gamer tags here so bungie can handle and police them accordingly.
Edit 1: yolo, swag, beast and king have been brought to my attention and are now considered possible threats.
Lmao! Great satire brah lol
Im trying to leave the victims in my past which is why many of us are asking playstation to change our names. #justiceforcerealkillers [spoiler]i spelled it cereal on purpose for the lels[/spoiler]
Ha… Ha… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… Ha… ha Ha [spoiler]ha[/spoiler]
Edited by Jedi Pizza Man: 12/29/2015 2:01:16 AMYolo yolo yolo yolo yolo yolo yolo....................omg I'm gonna get arrested omg I'm so scared beastly omg yolo yolo swag swag
Racist ball puncher lol i want that nickname
You forgot the satire tag....
Lol, potheads don't have the ambition to be killers. Too busy snacking
What about somebody who just has XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxXxxxxxxxxXXX as their gamertag?
Seriously, if FBI look inside the forum, Bng would be impeached of taking advantage of mentally retarded people
McCarthyism I love it it's so old school.
Got a laugh out of me.
Lol wut
Wheres your evidence?
Thi[b]s[/b] is [b]a[/b] serious si[b]t[/b]uat[b]i[/b]on, [b]r[/b]eal peopl[b]e[/b] are suffering as a result. [b]F[/b]urthermore, o[b]u[/b]r government can't [b]c[/b]ontrol these [b]k[/b]illers or [b]t[/b]heir actions. [b]H[/b]e(op) [b]is[/b] exactly ri[b]g[/b]ht. Yo[b]u[/b] all reall[b]y[/b] need to consider the effects of these gamertags.
Sweet! Arsonists are safe!
Oh shit, my clan! This guy is on to me.
top -blam!-ing kek
DumbTitan420Xtc, and XxHunterSpandexX are my other names. I fight crime, and wear my Trump toupee when I go into battle
This is obvious satire just to watch as everyone gets all argumentative and taking shit to eachother
These last top forum posts have been quite satirical. keep up this type of posting; I find it entertaining. almost as fun as reading the forums when Xur sold Gjallarhorn.
Edited by THE COUNT DANTE: 12/29/2015 1:10:21 AMDid you combine fbi, drug enforcement and overpowered snipers in the same post?! That's amazing.
By this logic I've murdered two people.
Be wary of those hooligans that snort dewritos as well. They're propagating drug culture to the youths.
Welp, better bomb this post... Hmm hmm hm hm....