The war on violence and drugs from law enforcement needs to be expanded onto video games. I see A LOT of gamer tags such as:
(Examples/not real gamer tags)
Silent Sniper
Assassin Killer
Terror Master
Incendiary Starter
Racist Ball Puncher
Eternal Murderer
These names are also proceeded/separated/followed by the letter 'X' numerous times and or 420 and Kush. Sometimes all. I am guessing the X's symbolize real life victims. So apparently we have a ton of murderous sniper killers who also smoke a lot of marijuana.
Law enforcement needs to look into this and we (destiny community) need to report these potential threats as well.
Also one more thing I find really odd. A lot, if not most of these so called "sniper and murder experts" always end up with negative KDs in crucible.
Be careful everyone and keep your eyes open.
Feel free to name suspicious gamer tags here so bungie can handle and police them accordingly.
Edit 1: yolo, swag, beast and king have been brought to my attention and are now considered possible threats.
I'm looking pretty suspicious right now...
It's funny that there are people that actually think like this. Good funny post though....least I hope it is.
*looks for satire tag* *concludes that even if satire, post is ridiculous*
-blam!-ing hilarious! Please do not add a #satire tag because some of the replies from people who think this is serious are epic.
Any references to inanimate objects doing things is suspicious.
People with the word "Beast" in their name can be found camping a corner with a shotgun.
Oh shit it's the DEA! [spoiler]I wasn't here[/spoiler]
Had my gamer tag for years, now I'm gonna change it to xXxyourAnidiotxXx Lol
Yes also add.... XxEatBootyLikeGroceriesxX. I think this person has at least 4x's victims
I've been summoned
Edited by Slayer06: 12/29/2015 3:08:20 AMSasquatches Are Tremendously Ignorant Regarding Eggs
And I thought this was going to be a serious topic See related article
See the satire
Where's the #satire tag?
I see the humor that others don't. I think this is hilarious! Also, could you put in a good word for me?
Shit mate... [spoiler]My Gamertag is no longer safe...[/spoiler]
if this isn't satire I worry for you. "X" does not represent real life victims, It is simply a letter that people try to use to sound cool. "420" is simply an MLG term meant to represent being mlg. (which most are not) I have yet to see "Kush" used in a gamertag, so I am neutral about this one. "Yolo"="You only live once" "Swag" meant to represent trying to be cool "Beast" means they are calling themselves skilled players. (which most are not) Same with king. Hope this cleared up your alarming stupidity.
You've been here over a year (yes, we can check) and only just now discovered the idiocy of teenage usernames? See this is why I'm pretty sure this is a failed attempt at a joke. If it's not, then you're in for a very nasty surprise when you see the rest of the Internet.
Many also have names involving mothers suggesting that they are communist femminazis
I hope this a post that's just tryna get a laugh... Otherwise, you are retarded. I meant you are ''XxretardedxXxKushx420xX''
Lol, dude I can't stop laughing when I read this. If you really need the FBI to look into people having silly usernames, then don't forget to call the waambulance.
Hopefully this is satire ... Otherwise go play in traffic yourself you simpleton
Satire? If so bad. If not.....really?
I can confirm. Real life victims
Lmao! Great satire brah lol