The over hyping of this gun is hysterical.
It's the same gun as year one and even then it was sporadically used.
So many scouts just as good that don't use up your exotic slot.
well since snipers are so abundant and mida staggers targets, it make sense that in all sniper friendly maps to use mida. also no other scout rifle staggers like mida does.
I know! My inward lamp is a mida/ sniper wrecking machine! I like it better than mida. Hell I like my hung jury more than mida...
Does not change that an average year one exotic is now being hyped like it's the second coming of Christ.
if pulse rifles didnt get nerfed, nobody would be using Mida
I think it's just more fun to use than other guns. The TL;DR to take away from my crazy post is we need more [b][i]fun[/i][/b] guns.
Haha that's what I said when it was announced as Y2. Like, it's the same gun guys, relax.
yeah its the same gun, but it got introduced at the same time pulse rifles got nerfed. Mida wouldnt stand a chance against pulse rilfes pre nerf