[i]She is severely dehydrated if you have something to drink, It would be very helpful ,[/i]
" She stirs slightly" [i]she appears to be having a bad dream[/i]
[b]He notices her dried up lips and carefully gives her some water from a pouch[/b]
[i] She coughs but drinks, gradually she becomes more lucid. She blinks at you.[/i] " Do we know each other ?"
"Think so, I'm Frost"
[i] She frowns trying to place him .[/i] " How long I been out do you know" [spoiler] got to walk dog will reply when I am back. [/spoiler]
"About an hour or two"
[i] She shakes her head like she is trying to clear it.[/i] " Sht this was a stupid Idea but I am sure I saw him round here."
"Saw who?"