[b]She does so, handing over her sidearm[/b]
After putting her through a scanner, the security officer sends her on her way, indicating her the way to the Admiral.
[b]She does as told, walking and trying to find the Admiral[/b]
She finds him in the observation lounge of Deck 12, surrounded by four Pacificators.
[b]She waits for them to leave[/b]
"They're not gonna go anywhere, you know." He chuckles. "Relax. They won't do anything unless you try and stab me in the throat or something."
[i]"Well, depends if you piss me off or not"[/i] [b]She sighs[/b] [i]"I was directed to you, why?"[/i]
[i]"because you probably have questions you want answered."[/i]
[i]"Besides why the hell im here, not really"[/i]
"You're here because I have a proposition. How much would you like to go home?"
[i]"My home was destroyed"[/i] [b]She crosses her arms, leaning to a side[/b]
"Your home system. Where you came from."
[i]"Well, considering it's a hell hole, not really"[/i]
[spoiler]jeez quite the ray of sunshine this one...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]well Idfk what to do with her so fck it I guess[/spoiler]
[spoiler]ive got another character to do with, most likely she will end up going back to her home system either way [/spoiler]
[b]you see a robotic female figure standing at 10 feet tall ahead of you[/b]
Ahead of her a large robotic soldier seemed to be having problems with security. "Unable to comply, arm mounted minigun does not detach. Wrist mounted blade does not detach. Any further attempt to disassemble will be regarded as a hostile action."
[b]She chuckles, as she continues walking[/b]
Eventually the robotic soldier is allowed to pass for the sake of diplomacy, but only after it spent ten minutes explaining that it would be unwise for it to attack seeing as he was apart of the crew of the only ship without functioning shields.
[b]She was already down the street, looking around the area[/b]
It was some time before she saw it/him again. People seemed drawn to the large A.I., in this galaxy the Borg are the closest thing and they are far from friendly. The A.I. Wasn't exactly welcoming but he didn't actively discourage visitors.
[b]She caught a few glimpses of him, eventually moving on though[/b]
I walk down the ramp, drinking "I wonder what the alcohol rule is here."