So my wife got me a Vader ps4 for christmas... which is awesome, but I'm an xbox person. All of my games are on xbox.
What are some exclusives that could lead me into keeping it vs trading it in for Xbox equipment?
edit: Rephrased question for clarity.
[spoiler]no you can't have it[/spoiler]
I feel your pain. My GF bought me a PS4 for my birthday so we could play Destiny together. I have an Xbox One. :(
Lol can't you just trade it in, And pay a sum more for the Xbox?
I will trade u...Xbox 1 is trash. Largest paperweight in my whole house.
Rock both. Lots of good exclusives on PlayStation. Try uncharted, try Last of Us, No mans sky is coming soon. I'd say you scored large. I won't lie, I already have a ps4, but that Vader one is really tempting.
I'd keep it if that happened to me only because PS has had some pretty cool exclusives over the year. I'd go pick up a few for sure & play them. Or maybe consider switching to PS. They have the destiny exclusives too. I'm an Xbox player though. I'd never switch. I just got the new Elite Controller. It's so cool Man. It was backordered for super long, finally got that shit recently though. I love it. My controller is easily one of the biggest reasons I'd never consider switching, even if I got one as a gift like you did.
Do you have a son or younger family member that might be interested.
My wife bought me 2 T-shirts for Xmas....seriously 2 fkn T-shirts. I'd take the Vader PS4 in a heartbeat.
Never been a better time to try playstation. You can still sell it later or keep it for decor, but don't just write it off.
My ex divorced me for breathing the wrong way, so....
I'm tired of seeing all the Star Wars crap so, although I would DEFINITELY be thankful, I would be disappointed.
Use I because you can play with the other half. The Vader ps4 with the game...cmon why tell her it sucks.
Get the PS4 exclusives and say that you love it. You're married. You know this is correct regardless.
You should Fist of havoc her and tie her down so she can't defend herself.
What a f*cken bitch
Well you got a cool wife it seems. Get an exclusive for it like blood borne!
If I were you I'd still play it. She bought this expensive thing for you and you're gonna leave it in the box? Dude. C'mon not the best idea.
Side by side. All the exclusives. There is no reason it has to be either or. Splitters cost next to nothing.
Just keep it, dude. I'm an xbox guy myself but the playstation still has some pretty awesome games on it that are always worth a play
Well if you put it in her box she'll be happy.
Edited by domenico: 12/26/2015 3:45:55 AMShe made an honest mistake, just tell her and she'll understand. Tell her the gift was awesome, you just have no need for another console. Hell, say you'll spend some of the money you got from returning it on her :)
Come to the darkside.
Keep it for when some ps4 exclusives come out. Try bloodborne for now and get uncharted later. I personally love the ratchet and clank games, so i have to namedrop that. That robot dinosaurs game by guerilla looks interesting too. Finally remember that there might be a sequel to the last of us coming, that should be enough incentive on it's own. I'm a playstation player since ps1, but wouldn't complain about getting a xbox at all. Enjoy the best of both.
Keep it and play uncharted 4 in April.
sell it and spend the money to buy her a gift
Learn to appreciate the things your wife gave you. Not because youre an xbox fanboy doesnt mean she gave you a trash. You might regret it someday bro.
Never ever divorce this woman. :-)