So my wife got me a Vader ps4 for christmas... which is awesome, but I'm an xbox person. All of my games are on xbox.
What are some exclusives that could lead me into keeping it vs trading it in for Xbox equipment?
edit: Rephrased question for clarity.
[spoiler]no you can't have it[/spoiler]
Pretty glorious wife you got there. I'm partial to my ps4 over my x1 myself. Hang onto it, keep it in the box or build a display out of it, that's what I did for the halo 4 360 and a white yakuza edition fat ps3 I had imported. Some plexiglass, built a display box, and mounted them on the wall of the man cave like a photo with an led in it.
There are 1000s of Craigslist post for trading an Xbox 1 for a ps4. However, there are rarely people trading ps4s for Xbox 1s. Why is that?
I have both, but I main the Xbox because everyone I play with, plays there, but I bought the ps4 and I focus on only single player games on the ps4 (main reason I got it) multiplayer on the one, just switching back and forth and am not disappointed yet :) Though I will say, when people say ps4 because it is superior, not really, it looks exactly like the one, the only thing kicking Xbox in the balls are the exclusives
Time to be a man now
Really swag netflix machine.
Give her a baby. She's earned it in my book.
She just wants you to grow up into a man. [spoiler] sorry... I couldn't resist! [/spoiler] [spoiler] how much you want for it ??? [/spoiler]
You should be more concerned with how you're easily confused.
Use the Xbox for games and stuff and the PS4 for Netflix and youtube so she can see you using it. It's also nice to have the ps4 for exclusives lol good luck
enjoy what you have man that's a nice gift if you're an Xbox guy maybe save for an Xbox one or sell the ps4/trade it to get one :)
Dude. Keep that shit for the exclusive games. That's awesome.
Selfish ass. Join the dark side
That's tough, but its a nice gift.
Edited by Kimchi Shadow: 12/26/2015 6:24:34 AMSave it and keep it safe until it becomes retro enough that hipsters will pay you $200000000 in wheatgrass and organic fish compost. Then realize you hate yourself for wasting such a great product.
Just don't unbox it, take it in to gamestop and exchange it. But i love the ps4 much more than xb1 and I've been an xbox guy for almost 10 years now. Might be worth a shot to give ps4 a try
Use it anyways man. This is the thing about women. It's one thing if they got you a shirt and it's too small or something but we are talking about a VADER PS4 here. If she sees hundreds of dollars not being touched she will probably castrate you
Return it. Donate it. Explain it to her thought counts and that's pretty badass of her.
I have a Batman Arkham Knight PS4.... Never opened it because I play Batman and Destiny on Xbox One. I can relate.... I just like saying I have a Batman PS4
Penis pics or gtfo. You are black and named your penis Vader right? Ha
Edited by No Skillvey: 12/26/2015 6:11:57 AMWhat you need to do- -get destiny for ps4 -pay $30.00 to get level 25 instantly! -cry as you go through the TTK story for the 5th time -acquire jade rabbit - and last step... *ERROR* "You need a Bungie® Secondclass Premium membership to view this comment"
Collectors item. Just keeping it.
Keep it, at least for the exclusives.
Sell it buy and one and get her something special. Tell her something about you don't deserve it
Try Bloodborne.
I feel your pain. My GF bought me a PS4 for my birthday so we could play Destiny together. I have an Xbox One. :(