Given that Strange Coins are harder to get nowadays due to lack of Weekly Heroic Strikes where you were able to collect 27 per week really easy... i think it would match the current 3oC RoS... but i manage to get between 40-45 (if lucky) per week now farming my a$$ off hahaha. That will be between 25-35 Three of Coins per week.
Is not a big deal considering sometimes you get only ONE exotic drop out of 10, sometimes none... maybe the #11th or #12th will drop it. Don't you guys think it is a waste of Strange Coins?
This is my luck guys, i would get only 1-3 exotics out of 30 Three of Coins and doing the 10 minute interval with each other. Sometimes even more because I'm not into the Exotic farming anymore, so i just pop it up whenever i feel it.
I used like 15-17 Three of Coins winning SRL races, finishing 1st or 2nd... guess what? I only got 1 Exotic Engram whereas people finishing 5th or 6th had more chances of getting one. I was racing with a friend, he was finishing last most of the time and had more success rate than me, wtf? XD makes no sense.
Now, don't you guys think the Three of Coin should have a better chance? not like before where you were able to get 4-5 Exotics out of 10 Three of Coins really easy... but maybe 2 (guaranteed) Exotics out of 10 would be a perfect rate.
Either that or just add more ways to get Strange Coins. Right now aren't so fast to get, well... on SRL you manage to get a few quite fast... but not enough to make it worth it.
P.D: Not only that but i was waiting to get Dragon's Breath and Thruth and from 5 or 6 heavy exotics all i got was PURE Super Good Advice and 1 Thunderlord... seriously? XD
I stopped buying them