originally posted in:The Roleplay League
The problem is...your gonna have to kill atheon fast before Christmas is over or else the speaker will gut ya - banshee
Well... Do you see our levels
You know now I'm not and never have or will be a guardian right?
Oh that is a problem isn't it?
"Pffft! Got it! That's easy as hell! But, I would like to see the speaker gut me." Garuud leans into the screen and whispers " He cant, I would heal to quick, plus you really do not want to open this bomb" Garuud said as he pointed to his stomach. "Lets go!" Bahahahahahahahahah"
Wait a minute * grabs ice breaker from vault* Just cuz...don't judge
Hey reader look above us a vog post... How convenient
Garuuard?? Ong your finally back! Haha. So puts Ram helmet on. " it's me Vlad!"
Friends of yours garuud?