originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Asf follows behind speaking of the good times
... Remember back when pratorien foil was the rarest gun, ah the good times
You approach the gunsmith
Hey banshee we need you to make the speaker a gun
That's gonna be a problem... - banshee
"Uh, why? Arnt you the Gunsmith? That is like what you do, you gave me my Fabian strategy after all."Garuud asked confused.
Edited by Now here's the thing: 12/24/2015 3:33:32 AMThe problem is...your gonna have to kill atheon fast before Christmas is over or else the speaker will gut ya - banshee Well... Do you see our levels You know now I'm not and never have or will be a guardian right? Oh that is a problem isn't it?
"Pffft! Got it! That's easy as hell! But, I would like to see the speaker gut me." Garuud leans into the screen and whispers " He cant, I would heal to quick, plus you really do not want to open this bomb" Garuud said as he pointed to his stomach. "Lets go!" Bahahahahahahahahah"
Wait a minute * grabs ice breaker from vault* Just cuz...don't judge
Hey reader look above us a vog post... How convenient
Garuuard?? Ong your finally back! Haha. So puts Ram helmet on. " it's me Vlad!"
Friends of yours garuud?