What subjects should I talk to girls with? I'm not shy and I wanna talk but I have nothing to keep the conversation rolling with girls.
Any advice?
Yes give them this [quote][url=http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--rL6OfxI6--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/itxtnbttmn8dt4z0tfcx.gif]gif of deej laughing at you[/url][/quote]
You mean there's an entire different sex other than male!!?? Illuminati confirmed.
Food can be good place to start. Always could lead to setting up a date to your favorite restaurant. But If she can't cook and just eats out all the time then leave. Your bank account will thank you.
Anything about her girls love talking about themselves
Here's advice.. Girls IRL are different to girls on internet. That is all.
It's pretty easy to talk to girls actually, here's the secret. Just walk up to one... And press A
Just pretend to be a flamboyant homosexual, she'll prob get naked in front of you too if you're convincing enough.
Edited by Auttumnnnn: 12/24/2015 9:31:40 AMWhen trying to find something to talk about, remember "F.O.R.M." Family Occupation Recreation Money The local news is a good place to start as well. You should look at your environment for things to talk about. Also, try to be curious about their responses and go off of that.
what size she is
Ask her about her family, friends basically anything about her self. If succeeded [spoiler]try not to fall a sleep and be interested [/spoiler] She will like you more
I don't know. We tend to rant about grades.
Girls have germs
Edited by S4ntii2: 12/24/2015 7:31:45 AM[spoiler] Man up... [/spoiler]
Edited by EYEQUtheREBEL: 12/24/2015 7:34:24 AMI used to be an investigator. I had to solicit confessions regularly, and one major factor was building common ground with the other person. So to sharpen my skill set, I literally walked thru the local mall starting conversations with complete strangers. It is challenging but I learned to become more observant of what a person wears, sounds like, smells like, and responded like. I became very good at ice breaking into a conversation and kept it going by watching for subtle responses. Anyway, use this to learn how to ice break into a conversation with confidence and pay close attention to her responses as there are many signs we miss that could help keep someone interested.
Whatever flows at your school.
Food, songs, other games, how is her day. Anything
Start it off with "Do you mate with your mates, mate?" and just let her think.
video games. how much pubic hair you have. makeup.
Don't think about specific topics, start off anything and for the love of god, IMPROVISE. Let the conversation flow constantly.
First, ask about their relationship with their father. If they say anything positive, move along.
Use the D.E.N.N.I.S system dude.
I talk about steak with grills.
What are girls?
Just learn a little bit about everything. Watch the discovery channel.
Get them to talk about themselves. Girls love talking about themselves.