Mine is Just Cause 3 and Fallout 4 after Christmas
Going for the big head gun today. ......I will update u on any new developments
I just need 64 more subs to hit 200 plz anyone help a brotha out
Fallout 4 and black ops 3 Started playing PvZ garden warfare again
The next game to have raids. Destiny two I'm guessing.
Anyone that is cool please go check out my channel and subscribe so I can make some awesome videos for everyone ;)
Candy crush soda saga
Still play Destiny here and there but the addiction goes to Fallout and after Christmas you can add siege.
Edited by Blackkkk: 12/22/2015 6:48:37 AMIngress
Heroin hero.. I'm gonna catch that dragon
ESO - it does massive multiplayer so much better than Destiny.
Rainbow six seige
Elite: Dangerous
Halo 5 & Star Wars
Temporarily ace combat 6: fires of liberation
Fallout 4, Star Wars, and War Thunder
I'm up
Fallout 4 and World of Tanks. I'm having much more fun now.
Living in the real world.
Black ops zombos and some multiplayer. A little halo here and there. Some ark survival. Going to get into fallout when I get some extra free time. Feels amazing to take a break from destiny. Not going to get back into it unless they announce something big for pve.
Halo 5
I still play destiny bug change it up with Team Fortress 2 sometimes.
Edited by THE COUNT DANTE: 12/22/2015 4:40:57 AMrohypnol. Merry Xmas Dr. Cosby!
Been away with the Witcher 3...a very worthy distraction lol
Its still over a month away, but im waiting on Battleborn. Played the closed technical test. Was super sweet
I just got addicted to it :(