Mine is Just Cause 3 and Fallout 4 after Christmas
Going for the big head gun today. ......I will update u on any new developments
I just need 64 more subs to hit 200 plz anyone help a brotha out
Lvl 0 human
Tried a few, FO4 took me away for a few but I'm back on the D after a few weeks. The addiction is real.
Dota 2.
Im having fun with snd on bo3 while trials isnt up, but i think i will always play destiny no matter what
Tried fallout and battlefront, but gonna play destiny tonight. The weapon handling and gameplay is just great fun, exactly what I'm into...
Just cause 3. Ohhhh yeaahhh
Lol what game? I'll tell you what God damn game!!! It's called King's Fall Challenge mode!!!! I'm never leaving this shit. It keeps pulling me back in like cocaine did to Rick James.
Well my parents won't allow me to play other games so I'm stuck with the D.
Black Ops 3 and PC gaming
Mainly ESO, with a touch of Fallout 4 on occasion (or when I get closer to beating ESO).
black ops 3 in 3 days and pc gaming!
Star Wars battlefront! No hate pls
When I get the Xbox one for Christmas it will be halo 5, I will be waving goodbye to destiny after playing for so long and I won't be looking back or buying it again for the one
destiny 2
Battlefront, Bloodborne DLC, Uncharted Collection...
Destiny: The Taken King
Black ops and halo
Fallout 4 and the Uncharted series, new to playstation soooo I had to try it XD also the last of us remastered.
Star Wars battlefront for pvp, elder scrolls online for all else I suppose. Or the old republic.
I thought Fallout 4 would do it, but I find myself returning still. I'll be getting Just Cause 3 for Christmas.
Meth and hookers
Mine was warframe and advanced warfare this summer during the drought of content during house of wolves, but right now I'm still playing destiny until I get fallout 4
Edited by BallsOutForBT: 12/22/2015 1:38:20 PMGuys I have a question, im upgrading to xbox one soon, should I get halo 5 or star wars battlefront? Im kinda leaning towards battlefront