Mine is Just Cause 3 and Fallout 4 after Christmas
Going for the big head gun today. ......I will update u on any new developments
I just need 64 more subs to hit 200 plz anyone help a brotha out
As soon as Overwatch releases, I'm outta here.
Destiny: The Taken King
I replaced it with SRL.
TF2 [spoiler]In GabeN we trust for steam sales we must![/spoiler]
Went back to Bloodborne.
My wife's pussy and her oral.
Mad Max, such a fun game IMO
Fallout and Bloodborne expansion yeah
Fallout 4.
Nothing. Destiny is like crack: one breaks free of its insidious tentacles, only to relapse again and again.
-blam!- Raul I don't know what happened to your car
Replaced Destiny with The Taken King. Much better game.
Was BO3 but somehow destiny got me back
Hearthstone pulled me away...
It's a combinaison: First it was FallOut 4, then came Rainbox Six Siege, and that huge update to Warframe just booked my holydays Battlefront tryed to take a place in those, but it fails miserably
Is just cause 3 really that good? Im not dissing it but it reminds me of mercenaries with a little assassins creed thrown in
My question is why are you on destiny forums? Go to the just cause forums or something stop taking up space here
Bo3...yep i said it
Cutting wrapping paper and trying to get the scissors to glide. I imagine that's pretty close to what heroin feels like
Here's a new one for u guys let me know what u think
I didn't replace it with a game.... Now I just smoke so much Crack that I'm unable to pick up the pad.... Problem Solved
Witcher 3 (and 1st DLC) started my recovery from Destiholism, then Fallout 4 completed my recovery. Nearly 2 months "clean" from Destiny.