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originally posted in:Dads of Destiny UK PS4 I
12/16/2015 3:37:24 PM

A Level project on 'Older Gamers' - please help if you can!

Hi Folks, A friend of my daughter's is doing a project on 'older gamers' for his A-Level project. If you have a few minutes, and would like to help, please take a look at these questions, and either reply, or, if you wish, please email me (, and I will pass your thoughts on. Many thanks, I'm confident that he will get plenty of source material to work with. Steve. Original email: Hello there, I am in the process of completing a print task in A-Level Media Studies about older/"Dad gamers". It would be a great asset if you could respond to the questions sent and it would go a long way in helping me complete this task. If you have any images of you playing these videogames could be attached, this would be a big help also. 1. Firstly, when did you first start gaming? 2. What type/genre of games do you generally play? 3. Can you name any specific titles which you play most/are your favourites? 4. What system do you generally use to play these videogames on? 5. On average, How many hours a week would you say you spend playing videogames? 6. What continues to entice you to play videogames, even as commitments such as being a dad have been introduced?

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  • 1. First games system I had was an Atari 2600 - I think about 1982 2. I'm an RPGer at heart, used to love football games but they're progressed [b]too[/b] far for my liking these days (God, that sounds old) 3. Well now its Destiny, but I spent years playing Everquest and then World of Warcraft. In the end I got sick of bickering in raids so quit WoW a few years back. Other favourites were Speedball 2, Sensible Soccer, Witcher 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect games, Super Mario Kart (original). 4. What system do you generally use to play these videogames on? I've had (still possess some): Atari 2600, Spectrum 48k, Megadrive, Super Nintendo, Dreamcast, N64, Playstation 1 & 2, Xbox 360, PC, PS4. PS4 is all I play on now, although still have gaming laptop on standby :) 5. Before being married - about 60+ hours, as a Dad - 15 approx. 6. Probably addiction to be honest :) I just love gaming. For the MMOprgs, initially it was the game that got you hooked, but then it was the people you played with that kept you going back. A lot of long standing friendships have developed through gaming. It's fun and the games are really impressive, almost like starring in your own film :) Again, the people - found a real gem in this Clan. As a late arrival to Destiny, the people here in Dads of Destiny are great - really helpful and friendly.

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