[b]The beast falls to the ground, it's skinny horns falling clean off. It lets out its final breath.[/b]
"Nice work dude."
[b]Ember takes the two horns and asks...[/b]
"Need these?"
"If you want em, take em. Teeth might make good arrow heads too." He says, and skins it.
[b]He attached the two horns to the bow on the ends, he rips a leg off with his hand, and puts it in his bag for later.[/b] We should head back to camp, it's getting dark.
[b][i]He finishes skinning it, taking the bones and putting them into a bag.[/i][/b] "Go back, I'll catch up.
"You sure?" [b]He readies his bow and puts his staff in his bag.[/b]
[b][i]He starts dragging its[/i][/b] "Do you want to scout ahead or help drag it?"
I'll help drag. [b]He grabs the beast and walks forward.[/b]
[b][i]They drag it back to camp.[/i][/b] "I'll take first watch."
No. I will. I won't sleep. Trust me.
"Okay then." [b][i]He says, and go's to sleep when they get back[/i][/b]
[b]He shoots some birds he's so bored.[/b]
[b][i]Something is seen in the trees. A blue snakelike creature[/i][/b] [spoiler]look at willow-wisp[/spoiler]
"Oh gosh." [b]Ember uses the tree as a disguise and fires an arrow at the monster.[/b]
[b][i]Ot hits the beast, and it spits at you, the drops of it burning holes in whatever it hits[/i][/b]
[b]Ember falls from the tree screaming revealing his position, the acid spit struck his hip.[/b]
[b][i]It burns, but seems to not fully mealy through him. Jakob wakes up at the sound of you falling.[/i][/b] "Tripped?"
"No. Looked like one of those wisps."