You can be more than one gender
There may be a guy who is gender fluid what then. You kick him when hes a guy add him back when hes a girl?
While I appreciate the nod toward the diversity of gender identities, I can't help but think your question is still pretty disingenuous and, by your continual use of male pronouns, disrespectful to folks who don't identify on the binary. If the applicant says they identify as female, then that's the end of it. Anything more detailed than that is not our business.
So therefore anyone who is male can join the clan Hear that lads everyone can join the clan now If you say youre female who can deny you. Open recruitment here guys
Commenting with statements that are blatantly untrue and rude doesn't make you a champion for equal rights, it makes you an argumentative attention seeker. And I will repeat myself that no, it's not sexist because there has to be a denial of fair treatment and men are not being treated unfairly. We are allowed to make our own admission policy and select members using our own criteria. FYI, even if we decided that we would run a coed group, being an asshole would still make you ineligible to join.
Coming to our thread to recruit for your clan, disregarding a polite request to stop, attacking our group for something it's not, and now encouraging people to take advantage of our policy to operate on trust. You're a paragon of politeness and morality. Thanks for showing who you really are and what I can expect from people who follow and run with you; it's helpful to know who to avoid in-game. Good luck in the world, guardian!
You run a sexist clan But now you say its open Im only showing people you dont know how to organise a clan