Say what you will this is an opinion from a day one player - [b]if you dis agree with that opinion please be MATURE.[/b]
I love sniping but will be the first to admit this "balance" has been one of the worst yet.
Nothing is keeping pace on snipers. They are used up close. Mid range and well out of the ranged use they've been intended for.
Scouts still require 4 trigger pulls vs two to the body with a sniper. Pulse rifles are getting out done even at close and mid ranges? Auto rifles? Don't exist.......
Fusion? Lmao. Side arms - funnier still.
I guess I should just take my 1000 yard stare - again.
Snipers always been this way...
People who complain are ruining crucible
Mature question. What exactly do you suggest to do about this? If scouts or pulse get buffed then they will run crucible.
Get good scrub
Edited by Dampfanator: 12/20/2015 6:52:22 PMYes, I would like to thank everyone that tries to challenge my snipe, time and time and time again in the exact same fashion. Thank you, and your teammates, for continually going exactly where my scope is pointed. Thank you also for never jumping or sliding around corners, please keep rushing around corners straight up and down trying to shoot me as I just pull my trigger and laugh.
It has been the same since the fcking beginning
Yeah. Scouts are ok when countering Snipers but some scouts take 4-5 shots which makes it a very long Kill-time and an opponent with a skilled hand, that is a good enough window to bring your shield down and scare you away. Since they can just bust out their primary and damage you equally or even finish you off.
I agree. I love sniping. I in no way think they are completely overpowered, I just think that the other guns are underpowered Also, the 1000 Yard Stare with any normal scope and NO hidden hand has an aim assist for headshots of [i]56![/i] The Tao Hua Yuan which is meant for crucible in the same conditions has an aim assist of 11... Downgrade the aim assis for 1000 Yard Stare Bungie! Not only that, Res sniping should NOT be a thing. You shouldn't have to push someone in Trials just to save them from dying AGAIN
Snipers aren't. It's all the nerfs people call for.. They took all of the aggressiveness out of this game. That was a huge mistake! And making shotguns even worse than before by penalizing players for having them equip? The ninja nerf on blink. So yeah. Snipers aren't ruining the game. It's the people calling for endless nerfs that are ruining it