Hello Anyone and Everyone who reads this,
My GT is Lodestar US, I've came across some TERRIBLE LFG teams, and some AMAZING LFG teams, I really want to stop relying on luck for finding a raid team, or a team to do anything.
I'm available always, I am 319 light, and nasty at PVP. I would like to join a clan that is active and is great at having a good time. Looking for smaller clans, but open to bigger ones. I'm an adult. 20ys old, and very friendly.
Thanks guys! .. If anyone reads this.
EDIT: I am on Xbox One.
EDIT: uh Anyone out there...? LOL I see everyone else getting recruited but me *sad face* K.
Guardians Of Ilum are recruiting padawans to join the fight against the dark. We are a friendly group who like to teach and fight together,all younglings will face the rites of passage before padawan status is earned. All padawans are asked to show respect to others and please read the welcome post in our forum. https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1383276
Run with me on PvP. Looking for nasty, salty, sweaty try hard friends
Same Here Bro