[b]He is startled and limping,but begins to climb up the wall then hurls itself at JT clawing at his face.[/b]
[b]He lunged at it, batting it's hands away with his bone-protected forearm of he's left hand, stabbing it's head with his right[/b]
[b]The beast falls to the ground, letting out one final breath.[/b] [b]Ember lays against the wall in a pool of blood, nearly dead.[/b]
[b]JT walks over, examining his injuries[/b]
[b]He attempts to get up, but falls to the ground again, he proceeds to do so over again, and again, until he leans against the wall standing.[/b]
[b]He looks at what's wrong with him[/b] [spoiler]Whats his injuries lmao[/spoiler]
[spoiler]XD he's got a cut down his forearm, blood leaking from his mouth, an animal skin tied around a gash on his leg, and an open gash at his side. Pretty focking bad.[/spoiler] [b]He looks around, seeing JT, and is startled and falls back down with a groan.[/b]
[b]He takes off his black military shirt, leaving the raptor skin vest, and bandages him up, tying part of the remaining cloth to his left biceps, tightly[/b]
T-thank you. [b]He shakes, getting up with a bit more strength, he limps around before regaining full balance and asks...[/b] L-lets rep-P-port back. Th-thank you again.
[b]he is already gone by the time you go to look at him[/b]
"What the-..." "And I'm here thinking I have some skill in stealth." [b]He takes a stalactite and uses it to cuts the beasts head loose, and plunges the stick through the head. He then limps toward the exit of the cave.[/b] [spoiler]End.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Lmao, he just hauled ass away, never snuck anywhere[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Dam, gonna take me awhile to get used to all this then. Lmao[/spoiler]