You have made a sexist clan. Something someone cant do due to thier gender.
So if you wanted to drive a car and were told no youre a woman we want the road to be safe you would think what a nice guy for keeping the roads safe. No you wouldnt so stfu acting like a child
You only perceive it to be sexist because you don't want to admit that male power and privilege not only exist and dominate our culture, but are also necessary components to the actual definition of sexism. That's not my issue to deal with. You came to our thread to be rude and to attack us, so who is really acting like a child here?
You're acting like a child and also still being sexist however being sexist against women Like wow. Good job
Wow you are a horrible person
Its called being a realist you should try it sometime
No it's called being an idiot. Look I don't get the idea of an all female clan either but that's not racist. Nothing about that is racist. You have to be smarter then that.
I never said it was racist
My bad, meant sexist. If a bunch of girls want to have a clan to themselves then they can. Nothing is stopping them from doing just that.
If someone can't join due to Race gender age appearance disability Its a form of prejudice
Not really. There are girl only clubs and programs all over the world. Does that make those organizations sexist?
Nothing is stopping them. Still sexist though.
Again not really
Not letting someone join because of gender is also known as sexism
Again not really. Not allowing any contact with males would be sexist. This is just them choosing to not allow males into the clan itself
Due to gender They also don't let in transgender which is also comletely denying someone's gender.
Again it's there call as a clan.
And how would you know anything about who we accept in? If you've read any of the several posts asking this type of question, we care about how you identify, not how your body looks. If you identify as female (as we repeatedly say), you're welcome. You might also benefit from learning the difference between sex and gender, as they are not interchangeable terms. And if you're really interested in combating sexsim and not just trying to divert attention from the fact that you started this thread with rude and inconsiderate behavior, maybe check out this group:
You can be more than one gender There may be a guy who is gender fluid what then. You kick him when hes a guy add him back when hes a girl?
While I appreciate the nod toward the diversity of gender identities, I can't help but think your question is still pretty disingenuous and, by your continual use of male pronouns, disrespectful to folks who don't identify on the binary. If the applicant says they identify as female, then that's the end of it. Anything more detailed than that is not our business.
So therefore anyone who is male can join the clan Hear that lads everyone can join the clan now If you say youre female who can deny you. Open recruitment here guys
Commenting with statements that are blatantly untrue and rude doesn't make you a champion for equal rights, it makes you an argumentative attention seeker. And I will repeat myself that no, it's not sexist because there has to be a denial of fair treatment and men are not being treated unfairly. We are allowed to make our own admission policy and select members using our own criteria. FYI, even if we decided that we would run a coed group, being an asshole would still make you ineligible to join.
Coming to our thread to recruit for your clan, disregarding a polite request to stop, attacking our group for something it's not, and now encouraging people to take advantage of our policy to operate on trust. You're a paragon of politeness and morality. Thanks for showing who you really are and what I can expect from people who follow and run with you; it's helpful to know who to avoid in-game. Good luck in the world, guardian!
You run a sexist clan But now you say its open Im only showing people you dont know how to organise a clan
Argument by repetition (even with the lessening command of the English language you're displaying) isn't an argument - it's just repeating loud noises in the hope the other person doesn't see how hollow your statements are. Are you really a person, or are you a bot programmed to spew the word sexist over and over in the midst of various combinations of words that hopefully, but not always, form coherent sentences?
So what you're saying is... LOUD NOISES.