Looking for a clan that's fun, active, and uses an app called LINE. If there's a clan out there for me please let me know :| lol hate looking on forums when doing raid. A lot of my friends gave up on destiny cuz of the new games :c
I'm Xbox One btw...
[quote]Looking for a clan that's fun, active, and uses an app called LINE. If there's a clan out there for me please let me know :| lol hate looking on forums when doing raid. A lot of my friends gave up on destiny cuz of the new games :c I'm Xbox One btw...[/quote] This is a clan what contains very friendly and social people.If your that type of nutty gizer that plays every day,this is the clan for you.As the majority of are players playing on a regualar basis.So what you lads waiting for? Go join kings nation to day Type in as followed :KINGS NATION
Edited by TnNikita: 12/19/2015 1:50:26 PMIf you identify as female, apply at the link above. We don't use LINE, but we do use BAND. Good luck out there, guardian!