Basic question that I really wanna know. Did you guys like having the old system where you needed raid/trials armor to be max level? Or do you like the new system where completing the higher end of game content can get you to a higher light level, but usually not always to max? I like how the new system allows me to customize my armor sets, but boy does it ever piss me off I cant hit 320. :/ I honestly would rather suffer with ugly armor.... Crota armor... ~shudders~... Then not being able to hit max due to drops not dropping high enough level gear. On top of if I want something not raid/trials to be max I need to infuse, which doesnt garuntee max light either. I know the difference between 315-320 isnt even that much, but geez.. My OCD candle handle the imperfections when all through year 1 I was at max..
Double RNG is broken. It made more sense just to have to get the drops. Now I have to have good luck to get the drops, then good luck AGAIN for them to be worth anything. Players should never be able to go through a raid and come out not going up in some way.