originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[i] Ro stand up brushing herself off.She isn't giving up, but she also didn't have a deathwish. So she watches him walk away.
Hours pass
When she feels sure he's either forgotten or pre occupied,
she gathers her stuff an slowly heads off.[/i]
[spoiler]you want this to end here?[/spoiler]
A jumpship passed by overhead, and you hear the familiar, and rather pleasant [i]whoosh[/i] of a Guardian materializing nearby. Though you are on edge, a reassuring aura of Light radiates off of him, and when he walks towards you the Fusion Rifle in his hand dematerializes. The Guardian is an helmet-less Titan, clad in murky gold armor with a black combat skin underneath; sleek, ergonomic, and rather fearsome. His face is Caucasian, with startling pale green eyes and stark black hair, and when he speaks his voice has an American accent with perhaps a tinge of Irish. "You alright there Guardian? Cayde said that there was a Guardian on patrol here that hadn't reported in recently, so I was ordered to find you."
[i] Ro looks up, she's tired , dirty and depressed. She's lucky if she looks older than about 17. She hasn't aged since she was resurrected. So currently resembles some kind of Awoken runaway. She shakes her head.[/i] R ; " You know Lake?"
Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 12/19/2015 7:13:55 PMGinger looks about that age on the outside, perhaps 18, but his eyes betray his real age. They're sad eyes, that look as if they had lost something that he could not replace. Still, the rest of his face masked such emotions, and he looked almost cheerful until you mentioned Lake, "Lake? Name rings a bell. He was a Warlock, no? I believe that he's a Dark Guardian now though, which is probably why you were chasing him." He takes a quick look around, and then regains his composure, "Name's Ginger, by the way. Probably not the name I was born with, but it'll suffice."
(( Lake's a Hunter ;-; ))
Edited by Moot: 12/20/2015 9:38:45 PM((James is a warlock, correct? And I have a feeling that Lakir is a fallen... I dunno why. I'm wrong, aren't I?))
(( No you're right. ))
" look let's get this bit out the way" [i] As she finishes speaking her eyes pool to black , ebony tears run down her face , her extremities start to turn like a dark shadow, she becomes insubstantial and slips into the nearest shadow. She then reforms. She stands before Ginger waiting for the obligatory gun waving, and threatening.[/i]
For a second he stares at her, slowly easing his finger off of the trigger of his Fusion Rifle, and begins to chuckle to himself. He seems surprised, but not taken aback as he puts the gun on his back, "Heh, why is it that I always run into girls who could kick my ass? I don't believe that I got your name?"
[i]She raises her eyebrows at him[/i] " Romii, Ro will do. Let's get one thing straight, I'm not taken, we thought that at first but it turns out I picked op some odd symbiotic parasite, from a corrupted vex gate. I can de materialise travel along the dark and shadows, but it has no offensive capabilities. I can also transport one person with me. [i]She finally seems able to relax[/i] " Sorry ,Pleased to meet you Ginger"
Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 12/19/2015 9:57:09 PM"It's alright. Pleased to meet you too Ro." He shakes your hand and puts his helmet back on. He gestures for you to follow him, and begins walking off, "Too many skyscrapers here for my ghost to pick us up, we're going to have to walk for a little before he can transmat us out of here."
Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/19/2015 11:46:27 PM" Fair enough, what's another million grains of sand in my boots anyway," [i]she had meant it to sound light hearted but it just came out fated instead, she didn't think she had ever felt more wretched than she did right now.[/i]
Ginger questioned the joke for a second before pausing and turning around, albeit with a sigh, "You alright there? You sound a little down."
" let's just get of this sand trap, " [i]She pulls out a flask and takes a drink, shuddering slightly , before scowling into her flask.[/i] " it's even in my Vodka, what kind of unusual cruelty is that"?
He laughs at that, "Unusual? You should see what the Tower Barkeep serves me."
[i]She finally cracks a small smile, not for long but enough to lighten the mood.[/i] R " did you really just come down here to haul my ass back out of here.?"
Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 12/20/2015 9:35:56 PMHe has the grace to at least look sheepish, and he scratches his head as he speaks "Actually, yes. I mean, the Vanguard is always issuing orders, but... I mean, between Lake and, well, you, I couldn't pass it up." He composes himself a little bit before speaking again, "I've heard rumors about some kind of conflict between two rogue Guardians, both old friends of mine. Aries, whose friend just dropped you, and Erik, someone I haven't seen in a long time. I have a feeling that whatever knowledge you collected about Lake will be important. You were close to Lake, weren't you? I can see it in your face when I mention him."
[i]Thats a wound that hasn't healed, and she feels sick ,she doesn't even know where to start .[/i] R " Let's just say he saved my life, and when it came my turn to return the favour I hesitated, and he ended up like that, what he is now is my fault, and I need to fix it."
Not knowing what to say, Ginger merely gives a look of understanding before he continues, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to reopen any old wounds, but I have to say this. Whatever kindness or affection Lake showed you is your business, but that Lake is gone, forever. His body hosts a mind that was not the one you know, and he will try to kill us all. To truly pay Lake back for all the kindness he has shown you, we must end this." A steely look replaces the morose features on his face, "And that is why we're going to kill Aries."
[i]She shakes her head, [/i] " Where were you when Aries attacked the city?"
"Lying dead in the Martian wastes, killed by a Taken Lieutenant. I had been cornered for a few days, holed up in this old skyscraper as my ammo slowly disappeared against the hordes. Finally, they sent that... Knight thing, and that was the end of me." He chuckles a little, and his dropship appears overhead, "I got that bastard back though. A lightning grenade down the throat is usually fatal. My ghost revived me a few weeks later, and, well, by then Aries was old news. Still, Aries and I go even further back, way further back, but that's a story for another time." He deploys his ghost, and gets ready to teleport to his ship
[i]She looks at him, cold and expressionless, as though something has broken inside.[/i] "I stood and watched from a few blocks away, right before Hunger took an interest in me. I've replayed it a thousand times, I've seen the same people die a thousand times while we all stood there helpless like newborns , and I am so very tired." [i] She stares at the ground[/i] " If your right and there is no getting Lake back then killing Aries won't make the blind bit of difference , and I will still need to finish this. I'll come as far as the city I need some fresh booze, after that I don't think I can help you,my ticket only goes one way unfortunately, [i] she chuckles grimly.[/i] "No return trip for me and Zen, ain't that right." [i] Her ghost pops up[/i] " Despite my attempts to convince her otherwise it would seem so. " [i]His tone resigned but it softens as he turns to her. [/i] " It's alright Ro , I'll be with you all the way , I'm sure it'll be a hell of a trip."
[spoiler]Sorry, my notifications are broken[/spoiler] Ginger grins, and his legs begin to disappear as he's slowly transmitted onto his ship, "A helluva trip indeed Ro."
[i]Zen does the honours and she dematerialises appearing on Jester ( Laughing behind your back) Ro starts up the thrusters and switches on the comms.[/i] R " So tower? Or you have someplace else in mind?"
Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 12/26/2015 4:48:34 PMGinger activates the comms on his ship; a rusty Arcadia class in need of repair, and after a brief burst of static, replies, "Damn commslink... Yeah, Tower sounds fine to me." [spoiler]Alright, notifications work again. [/spoiler]