Hey guardians :)
Feeling nostalgic ?
You're looking for a team to play Skolas' Revenge ?
You're in the right place !
Need 2 for Skolas. Any level above 170 will be tolerated :) Message for inv, and please know what you are doing.
Need one for cult of the worm. Msg GT
Need two. Skolas. Msg GT.
Need two. I'm a 319 hunter looking to do skills. Msg GT.
Doing skolas now w 2. Need 1 more if anyone is game... send msg for inv
Looking for people to do Poe skolas GT:MrManiac817
Looking to run skolas message me here or on Xbox live GT : King da pro
Need one more for prison of elders arena hard on Xbox one. We are at the very end and just need one person. Send message to DrStrangeFunk
Need one more for prison of elders arena hard on Xbox one. We are at the very end and just need one person. Send message to DrStrangeFunk
I wanna do some Poe send me an invite
Need one more for prison of elders arena hard on Xbox one. We are at the very end and just need one person. Send message to DrStrangeFunk
Need one for skolas
POE need one. At final boss battle of skolas
Need one more for POE
Need 2 or POE Gamertag is MiiCk3yM0US3
Need 2 or POE Gamertag is MiiCk3yM0US3
Titan 40, 298 light Hunter 36, 183 light (trying to get to 40) I will play either one.
Looking for 2 others that want to farm Skolas Poe before Xur gets here
Need 3 for Vog on hard. Message:ZappinZombie for an invite.
Anyone wanna do some prison?
I'm a defender Titan gt is SeaSky18
2 for POE GT same as above^
Need 2 for Skolas Msg: XxBulls EyexX64 for invite
I'll be up for it add me gorramreavers83 Lvl 40 hunter
Need two, at skolas. Must have mike.
Edited by Zillice (Adept): 2/12/2016 5:50:02 PM