Hey guardians :)
Feeling nostalgic ?
You're looking for a team to play Skolas' Revenge ?
You're in the right place !
Looking to beat Skolas need 2 Gt same as above
Need 1 for 34 PoE GT bluldragon360
Looking for someone to help me with skolas
Anyone want to attempt to get the flawless raid achievement? Please know what that is. GT same as above message me for invite Have 3 I team now
Doubles anyone
318 Titan looking for a team. Message me on XBL
Need 2 message ToxicWolfAngel6 for invite
invite me to skolas 303 titan and hunter 306
looking to do this 319 titan inv me
Need 1
Looking for 2 for 35 skolas's anyone able to help
Need 2 for skolas
Anyone keen to rush 34? Etheric light, strange coins and possibly a chest key GT King da pro
Looking for skolas group 290 hunter gt same as name
We need one more message for invite gamechat only
I'm at skolas if anyone wants to help kill him. I have sleeper stimulate. 310 titan
Looking for people to do skolas, gt same as name
Up for any year 1 raid or skolas. Inv me
Need 5 for hard Crota cp msg GT Abbie fro invite
Need 4 for VoG hard, know what to do and be 300+ light xbox one
Need 4 for VoG hard, know what to do and be 300+ light xbox one
Edited by Trinibiggs: 2/14/2016 8:53:46 PMNeed one for Lvl 34 POE
Looking for 2 on Xbox one message me for invite!!!!
Looking for team to run Skolas.
Need 2 for Skolas revenge in prison of elders, msg HardRockTanker for invt
Looking for 2 for hard skolas GT same as above