Hey guardians :)
Feeling nostalgic ?
You're looking for a team to play Skolas' Revenge ?
You're in the right place !
Need two to farm for her benevolence
Message for invite need 2 gt same as above
Inv me pls or send a message for skolas gt PANZER 301
Never actually got around to doing skolas before taken king came out, so why not. On xbone. Send me an invite
Need 2 for Poe
Anybody want 2 do prison. Msg gt jensaclarre
POE 35, XBONE, message Elite buddy7 for invite
Edited by Shinigami: 2/26/2016 9:26:27 PM315 Warlock lfg GT: Ninja Silencer
Can I have a invite am I hunter light 312
Need 1 for Prison Of Elders Skolas Message IcaFlames For Invite
Need 1 for Skolas msg Outeredge72
Looking for anyone to help with poe skolas, currently sat in airlock waiting to kill skolas
Looking for guardians for POE run through, all 3 if you can.
[quote]Hey guardians :) Feeling nostalgic ? You're looking for a team to play Skolas' Revenge ? You're in the right place ![/quote] Hey guys, I need 1 or 2 for poe 35 skolas add me if interested
Need 2 for 35 poe
Need 2 for 35 poe
POE 35 anyone? Message Elite Buddy7 for invite
Anyone want to run Skolas? Msg me on XB1
Skolas anybody
Need people to do POE with me so I can far strange coins message me for inv
Anyone wanna play skolas need 2
Still looking for 2 people for skolas *FULL* just need two people with mics and know what they're doing when Skolas arrives.
Anybody want to play skolas my Gt is my name
Send GT above a message. 1 person 4 skolas xb1
Need 2 for Skolas.
POE. Gt is RetiringBox