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12/17/2015 11:21:40 PM
ROFL, you call me a casual when you're are literally to -blam!-en retarded to understand what I'm saying when I said, and I'm gonna break this down Barney style for you, NO JUMP AND NO SUPER [b][i][u]UNLOCKED.[/u][/i][/b] Know what, -blam!- it, I'm not going to trust you to even figure out that part. Read the spoiler because you're are so god damn stupid, it literally hurts me. Words don't offend me, ignorance does. You have the entirety of human knowledge either at your finger tips or in the palm of your hand, and can not even manage to figure out what the neutral game means. Super. Neutral. It's pretty easy. Super is when you're in your super, neutral is when you're not using your super. Know what you need to make the neutral game better? The -blam!-en perks! Jesus, are you that -blam!-en retarded? [spoiler]The were no nodes other than grenade unlocked. No chain of woe, no gunslingers trance, no nothing. Just the grenade.[/spoiler]

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